
For the past few months, the school functioned under a "hybrid system" of sorts, students are given the choice between online and in-person learning. With different mediums naturally comes different methods and degrees of effectiveness. That poses the question: exactly which medium is better?

Believe it or not, with the school on hold, assignments have been a rebellious flood. And yeah, although we all understand that this is all due to the pandemic, we also cannot deny the time we've wasted procrastinating. Online classes may be tough, setting tasks for yourself may also be tiring, and keeping them might be even harder; however, if...

Being organized and productive is easier said than done. Especially with online learning where there are no teachers making sure you're on task, it gets a little tricky when trying to study. We came up with a couple of apps that we use personally, that may help you stay on task this school year! So if you're like us who...

Being a freshman is not always as exciting as you might expectーespecially if you were allocated a year where all the activities you were twiddling your thumbs for were canceled. Unquestionably, freshman year was not the best for many students, while it was the best year for the apprehensive and shy. These are some of the things the freshmen this...

December is rolling around again, and you know what that means; it's FINALS season baby!!!

SAT Tips


There are four times of the year when the Juniors and Seniors are panicking for one reason: SATs.

To many at Logos, service hours are a major inconvenience. "What's with having to do community work for 20 hours every year for four years just to graduate?" That's 80 hours you could spend going out with friends, gaming, or doing nothing. Instead, that's an extra 80 hours of burden on your shoulders.

Productivity is hard! You sit down and work, and then somehow your phone ends up in your hand. You open YouTube to watch a video for class, and then for some reason, you've now wasted 3 hours watching conspiracy videos.

A few weeks ago, Elise wrote an article on how to pull off an all-nighter. You can find it here. It's lighter, nicer, and much more wholesome (like Elise) than what we're going to discuss below.

So it's one of those nights again where you have an assignment due the next day, but guess what? You forgot about it. So what are you gonna do? Well, pull an all-nighter of course! Now, all-nighters are quite hard to pull off, especially if you have never pulled one before or have little to zero experience. Luckily for you,...