Every year we, the journalism club, host a valentines candy gram event for the Logos community. The students and teachers are able to send candies and treats showing their appreciation to each other. This year, we incorporated a variety of snacks along with roses and sweets. Despite difficult circumstances, our members were able to come together...

This year's Serventure was a blast for the high schoolers. The 9th and 10th graders went to Kirirom, ziplining, hiking, and camping in the forest. Meanwhile, the 11th and 12th graders went to Kampong Speu and served the children living in the province. Check out the videos for a recap of their one-week trip!



On January 18th, was the 13th Logos Carnival! It was an event that catered to all, from the ones that love food to the ones looking to have fun. The booths at Carnival, which was set up by each grade, offered a large and diverse range of games, from physical activities, like Just Dance and shooting hoops, to more laid-back...

On January 17th, the Logos secondary students spent a half-day playing competitive games with one another. Students and teachers grouped into six different colored teams, which painted the gym and soccer field.



From November 22nd to 23rd, the Logos Model UN club hosted their second conference. Many schools attended the conference: East-West, HOPE, Liger, SCIA. There were also individual delegates coming from CIA, NISC, and Abundant Life.



Last weekend, the drama class performed This is Hamlet, the highly-anticipated comedy version of the classic Shakespearean play. From the Denmark Dudes to Ophelia being hit by the ddu-ddu-ddu of heartbreak to Hamlet's casual "whoops" when he realized he killed the wrong man, This is Hamlet managed to turn the tragedy into a comedy that kept the...

Fun games, good food, and a time to bond with friends and family? That's what Logos's annual Carnival is for!

For the past four months, many students have worked hard assemble their projects for the annual science fair. For some students, this was their first time participating in the science fair, while for others, it will be their last. Seeing many interesting and well done projects, we have decided to interview some students on their amazing work.