Boys Over Flowers is a remake of the original Japanese version (with a different name), but with the same concept. This high school coming of age Korean drama has been recognized as one of the few dramas that boosted the Korean Drama Wave to gain momentum globally. This then makes it one of the most famous in the k-drama world,...

In the world of K-drama, the historical genre may be one of the most popular amongst local and international fans alike for their creative reenactment of history, beautiful sceneries, and extravagant costumes. Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart Ryeo is no exception; in fact, it portrays each aspect of its period so incredibly well that it has become a...

It's Venom.


Let me just start off by saying that the critics were too harsh on Venom. The movie has its flaws but it doesn't deserve a 28% on rotten tomato. I personally don't hate it or was in love with it like I was with Infinity War. But I would have preferred it to be rated R since it would match...