10 Quarantine Christmas Activities that Should Be on Your Bucket List


As much as we love December, this year has taken a turn. We had to finish off the semester through zoom, and now Christmas break is here. Sadly, Christmas won't be the same this year. Social distancing is a must, and we're sitting at home bored with nothing to do. But don't let that stress you over; Here are 10 things you can do this Christmas break!

1. Catch up on your Z's

Self-explanatory, but after a semester of staying up late at night, fixing your sleep schedule would be a great thing to do for yourself and your body. Dedicate a time to put your phones down, and head to bed early. No more eye bags and dark circles! Better get the sleep now before school kicks in again.

3. Have a Quarantine Movie Night

What's Christmas without binging on hundreds of Christmas films? Gather your friends and watch a movie through zoom! Have one person share their screen, and pick out a fun holiday movie to enjoy. Or, if you prefer, have a movie night with your family! It's always nice to spend some quality time with your siblings and parents :) Grab some popcorn, hot chocolate, or cookies even, and have a jolly movie night.

5. Bake Bake Bake!

Treat yourself with some yummy baked goods! I'm not the one to talk considering I end up burning all of my baked goods, but baking is honestly really fun! There's a variety of recipes from beginner-friendly to advanced that you should definitely try this break. If they turn out edible, maybe even consider delivering some to your friends ;).

7. Host a Christmas Zoom Party

Large gatherings aren't the best things to do this Christmas break. What better way to celebrate Christmas than celebrating it through Zoom! Gather up your friends and schedule a Christmas Eve zoom party. You can play AMONG US, host a trivia Kahoot, and just catch up with each other in general!

9. Set up an At-Home Photoshoot

If you're a sucker for photoshoots, this is for you! Reflect a projector on a blank wall and pull up your desired background from google. Then, set up a timer on your phone or camera and strike a pose! This method is really easy and effective. If you don't have a projector, play around with the following: fairy lights, led lights, different props, etc. Get inspired by your surroundings!

2. Start doing College Research

If you're a junior or sophomore (or a senior if you haven't already), Christmas break is probably a good time to start doing college research. Our school has made it easy to do this by providing UNIFROG for every student! Take some time to figure out what you're passionate about, and even begin to find a school that suits you! College prep isn't easy, but it is a work in progress. Remember, it's never too early to start college prepping; well, unless you're in 3rd grade.

4. Self Reflection

2020 is almost over and 2021 is around the corner. This year has been such a change and reflecting on the past year can be an eye-opening moment. Take a couple of minutes and reflect on your life and the things that happened this year. Write down the lessons you learned, the things you lost, the achievements you made, etc. This year has been hard for everyone, and a little self-reflection will allow you to appreciate life and the things you have :).

6. Have a Social Distancing Picnic

If your parents happen to allow you to go out, make sure to do so in the safest way possible! Plan a picnic with your friends at a neighborhood park, or anywhere you desire. Pack some goodies with you and prepare to have a wonderful time. When you get there, spread out and enjoy your yummy food together. Have a fun conversation and even come up with games if you would like. Don't forget to bring a mask, sanitize, and make sure you're at least 6 feet apart!

8. Karaoke Night

If all your family members happen to be in town by Christmas Eve, have a karaoke night with them! Enjoy some Christmas carols and sing your heart out; this is a great time to catch up with them and have some valuable family time too. This school year has kept us in our rooms joining zoom classes, so it's important to have time for our family as well!

10. Self-Care Day

Last but definitely not least, take a self-care day! This school year has been very hectic and stressful; we all barely have the time to really take care of our well being. Dedicate a day to reward yourself! Sleep in, eat a yummy breakfast, do a face mask, watch Christmas movies, make some hot chocolate, etc. Have a chill and relaxing day for you yourself to enjoy. It's important that we also take care of ourselves (mentally and physically) during hard times like this.

I hope you find these 10 activities fun and helpful for you to cherish your Christmas break this year. If you end up trying any of these, do tell us how it goes ;) Have an awesome break and remember: don't let covid break your Christmas spirit!

- Halena C.