Catching Up With Logos Alumni


Since 2002, numerous graduates have ended their high school career here. Over the years, many things have changed. Fortunately, we were lucky enough to find some Logos alumni to share about their experiences. So without further ado, I'd like to warmly present Kucharath Bunnarith, Mongkol Chhem, and two others.

Before I started the interview, I thought it'd only be right to do a short introduction and ask about how and what these alumni are currently doing in life.

"What class were you a part of and how long were you a part of Logos? And where are you now?"

K.B: " I was in the Class of 2015 and was at Logos since 4th grade (2006). I am currently in Utah, US."

anon: "I was part of the class of 2017, and I reckon I studied at Logos for about 13 or 14 years, from Pre-K till graduation. I'm currently studying for a Master of Finance at RMIT University in Melbourne."

anon: "I was part of the class of 2018. I first arrived at Logos in 2010, so that would be eight years in Logos. I'm currently taking my Bachelor of Contemporary Performance in a small institution in Melbourne, Australia."

M.C: "I was part of the class of 2017, and I was at Logos from first grade. I technically left at the beginning of 10th grade...Overall, I was at logos for a total of nine to ten years. I went to the U.S to school for business administration with a concentration of accounting and finance. And now I currently work in the advisory department with KPMG Cambodia. "

I think it's safe to say that Logos has opened opportunities for students to study abroad considering that a vast majority of past graduates are currently overseas. And even the few selected interviewees we have now also have had years of experience abroad.

After introductions, I thought it's be entertaining to reminisce a little bit about what they miss about our school. After all, it's been well over 4+ years since they've graduated.

"Did life after Logos turn out to be the way you expected it to?"

K.B: "Definitely not. In a way, Logos was very sheltered. Life after Logos opened me to so many more perspectives and uncertainties. It was a culture shock at first and definitely made more open minded"

anon: " I didn't have a lot of expectations for life after Logos but I didn't think I'd be here studying what I'm studying now that's for sure.

anon: " Life after Logos turned out well for me, I was very fortunate to have been given chances to dive right into carrier."

M.C: "Life after Logos...I think has definitely been different from what I expected, I feel like I've always thought I'd go into business,but I never thought it would be more finance. I'm actually quite happy with where I am, but it's different from my expectations...but in a good way."

"Is there anything you miss about Logos at all?"

K.B: "Absolutely! The Logos community was a home to me. I missed the fact that I got to see familiar faces everyday which made any class or free time fun."

anon: " I miss the tight knit community where everyone knows everyone. It's not the easiest to make friends when every semester your classmates change."

anon: "The small community you make in Logos. You knew everyone and the relationship between teachers and students were more than just someone you saw in class."

M.C: "Since graduation, I've always missed the closeness of everyone... Well, we're all still relatively close as far as me and my friends go. But, everyone is off doing their own thing, and you don't talk or see them as much. The relationship, the family, like feeling is all there, and being able to actually meet up and see everyone is what I miss most."

I can definitely agree with all of them, especially because of our tight community. Without a doubt, many of us will have to say goodbye to familiar faces soon. So to whoever this may apply to, WORK ON YOUR SOCIAL SKILLS!!!

"How would you think your past Logos student self would react if they saw you right now?"

K.B: "She'd be proud. She would be in awe of her strength, independence, and resilience."

anon: "I think my past self would probably think current me is pretty lame. But he was a kid who didn't know any better."

anon: " I hope my past self would be proud of where I am today. After all, we made it through the pandemic and many months of lockdown in a new country"

M.C: "I think my past Logos self was someone who was not confident, and very self doubting. I think honestly that past self would look at me and say 'wow we have the capabilities to make it this far.'"

To wrap up the interview it'd only be right to ask them to speak about Logos's impact on their lives whether good or bad.

"Do you think Logos has played a major role in your life or not? Why?"

K.B: "Of course, I was there most of my life. Without Logos, I wouldn't be exposed to the US as much. I made lifelong friends who I still consider to be my closest friends. Though Logos spoiled me in terms of putting effort into making new friends."

anon: "I would say yes, Logos was an integral part to who I am. The community, friends and mentors I had during my years there really did impact my worldview and give me a better understanding of who I am"

anon: "Yes, Logos has definitely played a part in shaping me to who I am today. The community, the friends you make and also the teachers who pour out their heart to reach out to the students makes Logos a place not only for academic learning, but also a place to figure out life lessons. The teachers especially go out of their ways to welcome the students even outside of school hours. This is not something you will find in University."

M.C: "Yes, of course it's been such a significant part of my life in both my faith and the relationships I've made. I definitely feel like I turned out to be a decent human-being because of the influence I had there. I was surrounded by very good people, very good teachers, and very good classmates. Even the community outside of my class has shaped me to be pointed in the right direction in some way shape or form."

Even though as current students we may not see the importance of Logos yet, in the future I confidently say we'll miss some parts of the school, and it'll have an impact on our lives one way or another.

So lastly, to end off our interview I asked each alumni to give a message to all the future and present Logos students:

K.B: "It's only highschool. You may feel like you're an adult and you know what you're doing but reality is you will stumble and fall many times along the way. And that is completely fine! Go enjoy life, fall, trip. Important thing is to get back up and start over again. There are plenty of people who are smarter and wiser than you so be open minded as you and your culture aren't the only ones out there."

anon: "Message for the new generation? Don't let yourself get distracted by things that ultimately have no impact on your life and your success."

anon: "Surround yourself with people who will uplift you, not tear you down."

M.C: "Value and cherish the closeness Logos provides in terms of a community and friends. Sometimes when things get really hard, I can look back and see that the people I know from Logos still got me."

That concludes our interview for these alumnus today, and I hope anyone who comes across this will be encouraged to value Logos's community more. These graduates have their whole lives ahead of them still, and they started with Logos as the foundation. Many of us will have the same fate, and are unsure of what to do. However, like these alumni's, things may not go as expected, but will work out one way or the other.

- Jan C.