Boys Soccer: 2019 Wrap-up


On Saturday, April 27th, the Boys' soccer team had their final soccer tournament of the season. Their first match didn't begin until very late in the evening, around 6 PM. The boys started off strong and easy, with a 3 - 0, winning against Hope. As they advanced, though, their games became more difficult. They lost their second match to ISPP and they had their final match against Paragon. This match was apparently one of the toughest matches they've had. It was a rough game and there were many yellow cards - just one for Logos, but many for Paragon. It was late in the night, and everyone was pretty worn out, not to mention, many of the players experienced leg cramps. Even though the boys placed 4th in the tournament, they worked very hard to play their matches and that's what counts.

Here's what their coach Mr. Workman had to say about the 2019 soccer season:

How do you think the team did this year?

This year's soccer season was a great success. As the season started we had 28 players, some returning and some new to soccer at Logos. Anyway, the momentum of great attendance and the challenge of having so many people at practice were kind of the theme of the season. We struggled to score but were strong on defense. We suffered some injuries and were unable to field our best team sometimes due to field trips. Our core group of players were pushed by the newcomers. Our soccer IQ continued to grow as the season went on. We finished with the best soccer yet in the final tournament moving around the field as a unit and creating scoring opportunities. I am so proud of the effort and way we played soccer this year. 

Do you have any highlights for this soccer season?


  • JiSeop's header in the final minute to win the game against Hope.
  • Luke Hartsfield trying to do a bicycle kick
  • Narith scoring at will and surprising everyone as the soccer season started. 
  • Sopheanuk shutting down opposing offensive players. 
  • Beating Hope 3-0 in the tournament.

Anything you would like to say to this year's soccer team?

To my boys:

Thank you all for joining soccer this year. We needed all of you to be successful. Thank you for always being ready to play. It was so much fun to watch you guys play. Dohun, Jaemin, and Sopheanuk. Amazing defense. Yechan, Moses, and JiSeop, EunBin, thank you for your love of soccer, you guys are amazing Next year we will be even better! I am so proud of your strength. 

Here's what some of the players had to say about the 2019 soccer season:

How do you feel knowing that it is your last year of playing soccer at Logos?

Darewin: I feel relieved that the season is over, but I am also kind of sad knowing that it will be my last time as a high school student to be playing with the team.

What are your thoughts on the final tournament?

Darewin: I thought the final tournament was really fun. We played against really good teams and most importantly we poured our all our effort and energy onto the field.

Yechan: It was tough. We had a good start against Hope, won by 3-0, but ISPP and Paragon were really strong. 4th place was not the result we wanted but everyone played well, stayed strong and didn't give up. It was a great opportunity to grow as a team and to learn from frustrating defeats and mistakes.

Dohun: Well, we made it 3rd/4th place game. It was a tough one. We met Zaman aka Paragon again, just like last year. We knew we had to beat them but sadly we couldn't. Even though we didn't get the result we've wanted, there is no regret. Everyone did their best.

Jiseop: I think we could have done better, but the early goals that we lost, cost us the whole game. The referees were garbage and I'm not gonna lie, I was about to swing

Chaejun: It was fun and was a good experience.

What were your best moments for soccer this year?

Darewin: The best moment for soccer this year was when Moses celebrated a goal with a backflip during the tournament.

Yechan: Our NISC game was one of the best moment for this season. NISC was a strong team but we beat them by 2-0. Our defense was strong and the offense didn't give up for 40 minutes. It was one of the best game we played.

Dohun: The best moment of this soccer season would be when the team traveled to Thailand for tri-sport tournament. We had a fun time together and made good memories.

Jiseop: I liked how luke score the last goal for us this season.

Chaejun: When Jiseop scored the game-winning goal against hope.

Which school was the hardest to play against?

Darewin: ISPP was the hardest to play against because they were very skillful and was able to create opportunities for scoring very easily. Their players were big and experienced and that made them a very formidable opponent.

Yechan: ISPP definitely. Every single player knew what they were doing and what they should do on the field. Their shots and passes were just incredible and they controlled the game. They looked like a well-bonded and well-built team.

Dohun: I would say it was Paragon. We weren't able to beat them. Besides the fact that they played dirty, they were just good.

Jiseop: ISPP Falcons

Chaejun: Definitely ISPP

Do you have any advice for the soccer team? Anything you would like to say to the team?

Darewin: Keep playing and always support each other. It is not only just a team it is also a family, so do not forget to lift each other up.

Yechan: I have so many things I want to say to the team. I am sorry for the unwanted results as a captain and as a No.10 attacker. Thank you for putting your best foot forward in those frustrating moments. Thank you Mr.Workman and Mr.Cochrane for your passion and encouragements for this team. Guys, let's not forget these bitter experiences and crushing defeats for the future. Let's be stronger and play with no regrets. Let's have fun and keep playing for the glory of God. The best chance comes in the toughest moment.

Dohun: I just want to say it was the best soccer season I've ever had. I want to thank the team for trying their best and keeping up their hard work. Hope to see them next year and get medals.

Jiseop: I think controlling the ball and being calm when you have the ball is important.

Chaejun: We should not give up even though we are losing.

How was the soccer season this year?

Yechan: Soccer season this year was very enjoyable. I was a bit worried at the beginning of the season because so many people joined the team this year but it was really fun to practice and play with them. They are such energetic and amazing teammates and I am glad that I was able to go through all those tough and happy moments with them. It's a pleasure to see how much we have grown throughout the season. Everyone worked really hard, played well, and we learned a lot. I am looking forward to next season which is the last year of my soccer career in Logos. Thank God for these awesome coaches and teammates and all the opportunities.

Dohun: It was the best soccer season overall. We've improved a lot. We were able to travel to Thailand for tri-sport. It was just great.

Jiseop: I think it could have been much better looking at the talent we had, but the lack of organization and playmaking, It was cut short. We had a good overall season with good spirits.

Chaejun: It was great.

The boys did so well this year and many of us are very proud!

- Sabrina M.