CARNIVAL 2019!!!


Fun games, good food, and a time to bond with friends and family? That's what Logos's annual Carnival is for!

The Start?

Most of us have been participating and helping out with Carnival for years, but have you ever wondered about how it all began? We asked our principal, Mrs. Young, to pick apart the history of carnival, and here is what she said, paraphrased:

Why do students have booths for Carnival?

The goal of Carnival was so that everyone contributed to it. We tried to get everyone in the community to add a little of their work and effort to the event. Classes had to work together, but it also gave them an opportunity to bond, as well.

What is the purpose?

The purpose of carnival is just to create an environment where family and locals could do something fun and be able to bond with their loved ones.

How long has Carnival been around?

It has probably been held for around 8 to 10 years!

Do you have any memories you have that you would like to share about Carnival?

I spent a lot of time in jail, which is what the seniors are in charge of.

What was there this year?

Usually, for Carnival, each grade would have to contribute with their own booth for people to participate in. There were a variety of games to play for a very affordable price - tickets being 1000 riel each.

A shout out to the 6th graders' booth: Water War. Their game of chance was very fun, even though I lost to two people... Might wanna consider holding this booth again sometime :). Also, the 7th graders did a nice job with the Jukebox, keeping everyone hyped up with energetic (and appropriate) beats! As for the Juniors with the Cookie Hurl, which apparently is a booth that has been held by them for a few years now, it was pulled off very well. Great job to the class of 2020 with their signature game!

Not only were there fun games to play, but there were mouth-watering treats to eat! First off, we have to mention the delicious and much-loved Korean food (mainly street food): tteokbokki, kimbap, kimari, mandu, jeyuk bokkeum, and some drinks. There were also some bbqs: a Brazilian bbq and a hot dog stand held by the seniors to fundraise for their senior trip. Their stands stood across from each other - could they have had a bbq battle as they fought for customers? (I don't think they actually fought for customers, I just wanted to write a dramatic narrative). The running club had a food stand, selling sweet treats and balloon animals and balloon hats. The famous taco truck was there as well and their food was delicious. Lastly, Aqua ice cream was present, with a variety of flavors and cotton candy to sell.

"This year's carnival, for me, was the best. I really enjoyed the time I spent with my friends and also the time spent with others outside of my friend circle. Compared to last year, this year there were definitely a lot more prizes to win and more fun and interesting booths to play at. Also, not only did they bring the cotton candy back, but they also brought Aqua. There was an endless amount of food, drinks, and sweets that contributed to making this carnival so epic. It was also fun to be in charge of the jail because it meant being able to paint on people's faces as well as coming up with their crimes. Not only did I get to spend time with my class, but I also got to spend time with teachers and those from other classes. It was fun for everyone, not just the little kids, but even for adults. I am definitely going to miss carnival when I leave. So overall I would say that my last carnival was absolutely positively litttt fammm 🔥"

- Elise

How the seniors spent their last carnival!

Like every year, the seniors were in charge of the famous "jail," capturing people whose friends turned them in and drawing on the faces of the captured. It's a tradition for every senior class. It must've been tough because there were a ton of people fighting to get out of the hands of the seniors or were running away from them. Let's hear how the seniors of 2019 have contributed to Carnival over the years. They once held a compliment booth, which seems quite cheesy but cute, and for two years they held the wet sponge booth - where they were hired to catch people, place them in a board with the heads cut-out, and throw wet sponges at them. Although it was their last carnival, the memories will remain within the Logos community.


We asked some students about their thoughts on this year's carnival, and here is what they said:

"This year's carnival was a lot of fun for me. It was great that I got to participate in selling hot dogs as it prevented me from having to run and catch people. The last few years it didn't feel fun but this year it felt more like bonding between my classmates. I enjoyed this year's carnival."

- Darewin

"The only problem is that every year at Carnival, I just work at the booth, like I don't do anything except help out at the booth. Then, I get put in jail by either Siha and Tiferre or Jiseop, but then after I just work at the booth again."

- Buthineary 

(We appreciate the hard work and effort you have put, Buthineary :D )

"I think this year was a little quieter compared to other years, jail wise. We were more relaxed and chill this year. I kinda liked it because I wasn't chased down as much as the last few years. I liked that I spent a lot of time near my booth and just stayed with my classmates."

- Ji Seop

Great job to everyone who has contributed to the Carnival!!!