Carnival 2024: Under the Sea


On the final Saturday of January 2024, our school transformed into a captivating wonderland, drawing in a diverse crowd for an unforgettable carnival experience. It was a day of pure enchantment, where laughter and excitement filled the air and memories filled the hearts of all who attended.

 With an under-the-sea theme, the carnival transported visitors into a world of vibrant colors and shimmering decorations, with jellyfish hanging from the ceilings and bright blue balloons at the entrance. There were many posters showcasing the creative ability of the Logos Parent Association. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as attendees marveled at the stunning underwater-inspired ambiance.

 But it wasn't just the visual spectacle that mesmerized the senses. The irresistible aroma of treats beckoned from every corner, as food stalls offered an array of mouthwatering culinary delights. From juicy burgers sizzling on the grill at Mike's Burgers to the delectable flavors of tteokbokki and kimbap, representing the rich tapestry of Korean cuisine, the food options provided a wide range of global flavors. Mouthwatering milk teas, sandwiches, hotdogs, and noodles further tempted the taste buds. The Lightning Cafe, beloved by all, had refreshing new beverages. A myriad of global flavors—Korean, Cambodian, Western, and more—showcased the diverse culinary heritage of the Logos community. 

The heart of the carnival beat with a multitude of exhilarating games and activities that catered to every age group. The gym buzzed with energy as participants engaged in the thrilling Sea Spikers game. Across campus, vibrant stop-and-throw games, water coin toss challenges, and an exhilarating water dunk game elicited shouts of excitement. The bouncy house on the field became a hub of laughter and delight as children bounced and jumped to their hearts' content. 

In the classrooms, surprises awaited at every turn. The seniors held a unique "jail" event where mischievous participants could nominate their friends to have their faces painted and take "wanted" pictures, all in good fun. In another room, the timeless art of Polaroid photography captured cherished memories, allowing friends to freeze a moment in time. And for those seeking an extra touch of wonder, a face-painting station transformed eager faces and added a splash of magic to the festivities.

 Amid the joyous revelry, the Logos Campus became a hub of connection and camaraderie. Parents, students, and friends united, forging new bonds and strengthening existing ones. Conversations flowed as families shared meals, their laughter harmonizing with the vibrant atmosphere. Even alumni couldn't resist the allure of the carnival, returning to relive cherished memories and celebrate the enduring spirit of the Logos community.

 As the event came to a close, the echoes of laughter and the sparkle of happiness lingered, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who experienced the Logos Carnival. And as we eagerly anticipate the next chapter of this grand tradition, one thing is certain: the Logos Carnival is not to be missed. So mark your calendars, for next year's carnival promises to be an even more extraordinary celebration, where the magic of Logos will once again come alive and memories will be made to last a lifetime.

- Nimol. C