

What's better than a plain magician? A comedic magician! This past weekend there was a show put on by Charles the French, who is a successful youtube star with videos mainly portraying the struggle of being a university student. Charles recently graduated from university with a public relations degree, however he still is pursuing his comedy as a full time career.

Throughout the show, there were several crude jokes made that were meant to go over the kid's heads in the audience, although I'm not sure if he was successful. Throughout his show he incorporated a bunch of different types of magic tricks. He was very crafty when making a trick a joke, or vise versa. He commonly does stand up comedy on the internet, so it made sense to add some of that element to his show.

There was one point where he even taught the audience a magic trick, but creatively made that taught trick a magic trick itself. He showed us a way to fool the audience by using misdirection, yet he himself misdirected us throughout the trick, it was quite clever. Charles tended to make a few jokes about how he himself couldn't accomplish things, and it got to a point where I was questioning if he actually really go do, well, anything? He used common sarcastic humor to brighten up his show. For example, he held up a black blanket and stated it was just a black blanket, front and back, and that was the whole joke. It was sarcastic humor like that which had the audience chuckling throughout the night.

While Charles was the star of the show, he still had members of the audience join him on stage. This brought another aspect to his show that most magicians love to do as well. Many performers love to pull in watching audience members to showcase their talent is in fact "real," not fake. Charles used a couple members at different times to showcase his abilities. He included them in a way that didn't make them too embarrassed yet too unwanted, which I commend him for. As the helping audience member would walk off the stage, Charles would follow them up to their seat throwing handfuls of confetti he would pull out of his coat pocket. This was just another fun aspect that Charles added that made the audience laugh, and the show more enjoyable.

Throughout Charles' show, he was able to make several jokes both crude and clean. He was also able to throw in many different humorous aspects, including common sarcastic tips. Along with his jokes that had you gasping for air, Charles also had you at the edge of your seat during some of his magic tricks. He made a table fly with no strings attached, and he even popped a balloon to have a bottle of wine suddenly take its place. All in all, Charles the French put on a good show with many laughs and surprises. In my opinion, it wasn't the most memorable show you'll tell your kids about, but it was a fun experience.