Club Series: Intersecting Politics, Philosophy, and Economics in One Room


What is PPE?

Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, or PPE, is a thriving center of Logos intellectual discussion where students become political analysts, philosophers, and economists. With its status as Logos International School's one and only debate club focused on the topics mentioned above, PPE members engage each other in a battle of wits every meeting with fresh and interesting prompts. Through closely scrutinizing each week's topic under the guidance of the club President Celeste and Vice President Sarah with thorough argumentation and evidence-based validation of their stances, each student will be able to learn to develop their critical thinking skills and have dialogues with others with an open mind. The key to PPE is to understand that the goal is to reach the final destination, a sanctuary of truth, and not to aimlessly argue.

"Teachers who say 'no wrong answers' are liars; there are wrong answers, and that's why we as a club exist." - Sarah Tou (G12), Vice President of PPE 

     A Day in the Life of a PPEer (just a Thursday, actually)

So with the introduction out of the way, what does PPE actually do? Hosting weekly meetings every Thursday lunch in the science room, an average PPE meeting would proceed as follows: First, a presentation of the topic by the club leaders, who will provide the members with pertinent information (Definition of Terms, Background info) and the key discussion question. Members will have 5-10 minutes to process the information and form their stances. After that, the debate commences, with each member sharing their thoughts and opinions. During this process, members occasionally disagree with each other regarding how to answer the question, leading to fiery debates in search of truth. Of course, the club's proceedings are usually a bit less serious than is portrayed here, as some degrees of humor and satirization of the topic are still allowed, so don't worry if you fear boredom.

Why PPE?

Now that you know what PPE is and what it does, why exactly would you want to join the club? If you're looking to engage with new ideas regularly, look at the world through a philosophical lens, master public speaking, or form sound arguments, then PPE is the right place for you. From Devil's Advocates to Righteous Moralists, this debate club has had it all.

- Wenyu W.