

HS Volleyball Girls

Riding on the high of their most recent win, we decided that it would be a great idea to interview some of our volleyball girls about some of their best memories, as well as challenges, that they have faced so far in the season!

What has been your best memory so far from this season?

Naomi Khara - "First game at East West."

Megan Hong - "Practicing hitting with the girls and the friendly tournament."

Merica Sin - "Everything lol from BUTT SMACKING to DABBING to CHEERS volleyball is lit... AND TEAM GATHERINGS LOL MR. AND MRS. SONG MAKES GREAT FOOD!!"

Buthineary Chhuon - "I think our very first game against East West."

Audrey Song - "Winning against East-West with many of our classmates coming to watch."

ChaeHyeon Kim - "Practicing in general has been so special for me. I wouldn't consider myself to be extremely sporty and active but volleyball practice hypes me up just because the practices themselves are memories worthwhile. Also, team dinner is extremely memorable. Such a good time to get to know each other and bond."

Elizabeth Sear - "The time where we beat East West during our first game.😏😏😏"

What has been a challenge for you this season? Why?

Naomi Khara - "Being more aggressive."

Megan Hong - "Keeping my arm straight and pulling it back when I spike."

Merica Sin - "Discipline - our team is SUPER skillful and SUPER talented, but we easily get ourselves into a hole so deep, it's hard to dig each other out of it. We're working on it though! Logos Lightning gonna dominate this season! Come support us! Our inner city tournament is on October 20 at ISPP :)"

Buthineary Chhuon - "Moving my feet and getting my sets 'perfectly' because a good set means that we get a good hit out of it, hopefully a kill."

Audrey Song - "It's been a struggle for me to be more encouraging and loud on court."

ChaeHyeon Kim - "A challenge for me is the fact that it's my first year with these girls so I'm not used to this particular teamwork and there's always this pressure that you have to get into this Logos-team spirit real quick in order to play."

Elizabeth Sear - "Passing 😥😥😥"

This year has been full of memories that these girls and our community will remember for a while. Though our girls have faced challenges they still strive to do their best and play strong. Here's to another great year! 

- Elise Sem (01/10/19)