International Women's Day


It's finally that time of the year— Women's Day! With the holiday approaching, you might have seen International Women's day mentioned in the media or through word of mouth. Most importantly, it gives you two days to relax, celebrate and enjoy! But what exactly is International Women's Day? Why is it so important and why do we get two days off for this? With the students out of school this Monday and Tuesday, we'll tell you what it is and provide you with three different ways to enjoy it! :)

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow - United Nation

So... what exactly is Women's Day?

International Women's Day, and you may have guessed!-is a holiday celebrated every year, March 8, that aims to spread awareness of gender inequality. Some may mention that with the many changes, the 21st century is a much more stable and equal era, where inequality isn't much of a problem. However,  it is shocking to realize the lack of equality that still remains today. Therefore, in order to prevent this, we celebrate Women's Day every March to encourage people from all over the world to make society a better place with no gender bias or discrimination. This year, the United Nations declared the theme of the day as - "Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow." It is also important to acknowledge and celebrate the many women that stood up and started the equal rights movement. 

Now, on this particular day, women are celebrated for being, well, just themselves. They are pampered and their hard work is acknowledged; they are also thanked for being an important part of everybody's lives. In fact, not only women but also men! Due to our busy lives, we seem to forget that we are able to exist in happiness just from our friends, family, and acquaintances. Let's not forget how people around us, like Santa Claus on his magic sleigh, drop gifts of emotions to us every day.

#1 - Pamper Yourself!

Days followed by weeks followed by months of hard work leads even the strongest people to exhaustion. This is the day where you are absolutely allowed to do whatever you desire to reward yourself for all the past hard work you've presented. Treating yourself to a costly dinner, going to a spa, or getting your hair done-pretty much everything that makes you feel special, you deserve it! :)

#3: Watch Netflix!

Again, March 8th is totally up to you. What about taking a break from your studies and getting some rest? For example-Netflix? If you're not an extroverted or a productive kind of person, taking some time to yourself is also a great way to rid yourself of all the stress you've been bearing the past few months. Let's get some soft lighting in the room, order some food, wear your most comfortable clothes and bring some more blankets.

Bring yourself to the perfect atmosphere to rest; no one is going to say anything about what you eat, drink, or do today. It's all up to you!

#2: Go Shopping With Your Friends!

There's nothing more healing than pulling off an all-girl's day, consuming to your heart's desire. Was there a pair of shoes or a piece of clothing you've always wanted to buy but couldn't? Well, this is your chance! No one can stop you from doing what you want today; if there was something you've been trying to stop yourself from buying, what about just picking it up now?

- Irene A.