ISPPMUN Conference: Forging Relationships


Model United Nations, a club dedicated to simulating United Nations conferences, is undeniably one of the most popular clubs at Logos. With over 40 members, Room 209 is nearly full to the brim on Fridays, full of eager students humming with anticipation for the simulation to begin.

ISPPMUN was an amazing opportunity for MUN enthusiasts to showcase their talents and passion. Over the weekend, participants attended debates, informal lobbying sessions, plenary debate sessions, and more. Speeches and thought-provoking questions were prepared and shared, and all delegates contributed to the largely successful ISPPMUN. Many of Logos' delegates were new and inexperienced, but everyone began to thaw from their frigid nervousness by the second day, and smiles, laughs, and stories were shared over the cafeteria tables during the well-appreciated snack breaks.

The conference was divided into many committees, some focusing on economics or finances while others focused on human rights or security. Before we were split into our respective groups, an opening ceremony officially signaled the beginning of the annual ISPPMUN conference, introducing the concept of MUN and the meaning behind the annual theme: "One future, one chance." Introductory speeches encouraged attending delegates, some from local schools while others were from Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, or Malaysia, to proactively seek justice and fairness in all the decisions they made over the course of the conference. The speeches emboldened the nervous delegates, who were reminded that while it is definite that there is one future, it is our choice to mold it and move it forward.

Despite the fatalistic mood that "one future, one chance" gives off, the given speech encouraged listeners that it was anything but. Our chance is our choice, and as tomorrow's leaders, teachers, counselors, and more, we must be proactive in our fight for justice.

After the rousing speeches, a stunning musical performance was given by the ISPP band Los Cincos Amigos. Their powerful vocals, impressive guitar skills, and amazing drumming captivated the audience.

Once the opening ceremony concluded and delegates were shown to their council rooms, the awaited debates commenced. Despite being split apart, Logos students all performed excellently, contributing to their respective committees with bold speeches, thought-provoking questions, and more.

Nearly all of the resolutions submitted or co-submitted by Logos delegates were passed after being put under intense scrutiny by their peers and teachers alike. Once the second day came to a close, all the delegates were exhausted from the full schedule and never-ending debates. On the bus ride returning to Logos, however, it was anything but peaceful. Excited students spoke earnestly about their experiences and opinions, eager to catch up with each other after the long day.

After two taxing days of debating, the third day was a bit of a reprieve. The plenary session, combining all the committees into ISPP's large theater room, discussed resolutions and had the entire audience vote on them. The first discussed resolution was one submitted by one of Logos' own students, Olivia, who was brave enough to speak and answer questions in front of the 400 attendants.

While most preferred to stay quiet and unseen during plenary, Logos is able to boast that two of our delegates walked to the podium and spoke in front of the entire audience. Olivia and Paul both gave stirring speeches that left Logos students smiling with school pride.

Once the plenary session came to a close, the closing ceremony commenced, beginning with short speeches from the head chairs of each committee, one of which was a Logos student: Haley. The sweet speeches had the audience applauding the hardworking chairs, and a concluding speech was given by ISPP's director. With a bang of the gavel by the head secretary, who had diligently planned the conference with the leadership team, ISPPMUN drew to a beautiful close.

Friendships were forged over the course of the long weekend, and Instagram tags were shared with fellow committee members as a means to connect with each other. While the conference only lasted three days, the relationships made and lessons learned as a result will stay for a long while yet!

- Serena L.