Looking Back, and Forward: Logos Senior Athletes


The Logos Athletics has been on hold since the pandemic started near the end of the school year in 2020. Sports can be viewed as just a hobby to some, but it's surely more than that to the Logos students. From tears to injuries to medals, these players' love for sports is undeniably indescribable. In today's article, we're going to be taking a peek through the sports journey of a few of Logos' very own senior athletes. We admire them so much we had to write an article featuring them ;).

Eunbin Lee

My name is EunBin and I am a senior. The sport that I played in my Freshman - Sophomore years was soccer.

What do you miss most about sports?

The most I miss about sports is definitely the soccer games. I miss them the most because I have always been passionate about soccer. Although I was always exhausted and tired after the games, I never thought of quitting soccer because soccer was always fun for me.

What's your favorite memory throughout your sports journey?

My favorite memory is when our team traveled to Thailand. Our team's Thailand trip is my favorite memory because I learned more about the individual players and connected with them outside of soccer. I learned more about soccer from the perspective of others.

Who do you look up to in terms of sports?

The athlete that inspires me the most is Son Heung Min. He inspires me the most as an athlete because he is undoubtedly a world-class player that is excelling in his field. I could also learn from the hard efforts that he put in to become a great player.

Liana Vuth

Hello there! My name is Liana and I'm a senior at Logos! Fun fact, I've actually been here since Pre-K woo! I was told that today's topic was about sports, and I guess I can share a few details about my...I guess you can call it a journey? Anyways, I've actually played all the 3 sports Logos had to offer. But the ones I've stuck to were just basketball and volleyball (and I can't pick a favorite between the two either so don't ask me that hehe). Alright, getting into some of the juicy questions we got.

What do you miss most about sports?

Oh gosh, there's a lot. But the one thing that comes to mind would probably be the rushing out of the last class of the day to practice with my friends. And on game days? Whew, I've got so much to say. It's just the excitement that builds up in you throughout the day. You're all dressed up in your sports uniform and just the feeling of entering the gym and seeing your opponents warming up gets you so pumped. Ugh, it gets me excited even talking about it! Don't even get me started on the away games and tournaments though. Having the coaches or team members come to collect you from class early is just a feeling I would love to relive again. Sports was the only thing I did besides schoolwork and studying. It was what kept me going, in shape, and overall healthy. Once you've grown to love a certain sport, you actually start to incorporate it into your everyday life. I found myself watching a lot of high school, college, and Olympic volleyball and basketball games when I wasn't on the court. Heck, I don't even like anime but I started watching the ones about volleyball/basketball! Any Haikyuu fans here? So yes, I miss is it so much that I can't even express in writing.

What's your favorite memory throughout your sports journey?

Flashback to volleyball ASAC 2019 in Hanoi. I was a sophomore, first-year starting volleyball in high school, and I got the chance to play in varsity. Mind you, I was terrified of making mistakes that would disappoint the seniors playing with me. For a middle blocker, I couldn't jump high enough to block efficiently. So you could imagine how petrified I was when I found out that one of the teams we had to play had a 6'0+ middle. Like you may have guessed, that team was tough on us. But the greatest memory I had from ASAC was this one. Being at a disadvantage, we had to play smart. And what do you know? I got the be the one who TIPPED on a 6-foot middle. I remember everyone going crazy about it and the excitement I felt from it was initially what got me so attached to volleyball.

Who do you look up to in terms of sports?

To start, I look up to so many people in sports. The Olympics happened a while ago and I kept up with volleyball the most. There was a player who stood out the most to me. A South Korean volleyball player known as Kim Yeon Koung. She's played for many years and I've watched many of her past games and highlights. She's on a variety of shows and videos on YouTube (just that I know of). I've genuinely grown to love her personality and being able to watch her play a sport that I too am passionate about was really important. I've learned a lot from her. And I'm honored to have witnessed her last few games of her Olympic volleyball career.

Visal Vuthy

My name is Visal, I'm a senior, and I'm on the varsity volleyball team

What do you miss most about sports?

I miss the practices after school. It was tiring but fun.

What's your favorite memory throughout your sports journey?

At ASAC I really needed to poop before the quarter-final game. There were 15 minutes left before the game. I kept thinking should go or not? because sometimes, 15 minutes isn't enough. It doesn't all come out instantly. So I kept thinking, and then I used up 10 minutes just to think. The urge became stronger and I decided to go take a dump and skip warm-up.

Who do you look up to in terms of sports?

I look up to the famous figures. Not just in volleyball but in other areas like Soccer and table tennis. They inspire me to work harder and be more patient with myself.

Emil Villa

My name is Emil and I'm on the varsity volleyball team

What do you miss most about sports?

I miss winning games and tournaments with my team

What's your favorite memory throughout your sports journey?

My favorite memory with my team was winning the innercity tournament and winning the ASAC tournament all in the same season.

Who do you look up to in terms of sports?

I look up to Micah Christenson. He's the best setter in the world and it's good to learn from the best.

- Tony K. and Halena C.