New Principal Spotlight: Mrs.Stanley


This year, we are happy to welcome Mrs. Stanley as our new and wonderful principal. Previously, she was an excellent math teacher at Logos until she felt the Lord calling her to assume the responsibilities as the new secondary principal. Here is a brief interview with Mrs. Stanley on her experiences as a principal and her views.

What is the thing you love most about your job?

  • Mrs. Stanley enjoys working with students, and now she has the opportunity to help students with matters that are significant to them. She loves that she can now interact with everyone and is happy that she has more opportunities to improve the entire Logos community rather than just her classroom.

Do you miss being a teacher?

  • She does miss teaching because she enjoys teaching math and working with students in a more organized and orderly fashion. She states that she would teach a class the next year if she could fully fulfill her duties as principal and teach at the same time, but she wouldn't if it would limit her ability to serve as a principal and be available to students and teachers.

 What things/events do you wish to see happen this year?

  • She claims she wishes to see everything! The carnival, camps, field trips, and the return of the normality of extracurricular activities are all things Mrs. Stanley is looking forward to. She is determined to make this happen and wants to accomplish as much as she can within the restrictions of covid security.

If covid becomes less of a hassle, what is the first thing you would want to do in Logos? 

  • She would like to have the retreat immediately if she did not have to worry about the specifics since it is an excellent way to begin the year and get to know everyone. She says she wishes for this to occur immediately if there were a budget and no COVID restrictions, but if not, she is hoping that we will be able to organize more events even toward the end of the year.

Mrs. Stanley has been an amazing principal these past few months; therefore, I encourage everyone to simply say hello and thank you when you meet her in the hallways or in her office. Lastly, as Mrs. Stanley is trying something new this year while depending on the Lord to guide her, she has wonderful advice for students who are also inspired to try out something new.

"We should be willing to step outside our comfort zones since it provides a great opportunity to learn a lot of new things and to grow in our relationship with the Lord because it pushes us to become more dependent. Go for it, but set reasonable expectations for yourself since we tend to be more gracious to others when they make mistakes than we are to ourselves. I would advise going into it expecting to mess up, and don't be afraid to ask for help." - Mrs. Stanley