Should We Take The Khmer Exams?


The Khmer exams are very important in Cambodia and are a very crucial time for students. However, is it really that important for our Khmer students at Logos? Well, in a way, yes. You see the Khmer exams aren't just your regular old exams to see if you understand what you've learned throughout the years, they are exams that will determine whether or not you are qualified to go attend university here in Cambodia. Many Cambodian students, specifically in twelfth grade, get very nervous and scared when the time comes near. They know that this one exam can and will determine whether or not they are able to attend university.

Though it is important, it is also very controversial. As some of you may or may not know, many students will bribe their way to getting that A+ and usually it is through the use of money. Some also cheat their way to the top in order to pass. This only goes to show how important the exams are because some students are willing to do anything to pass, even if it means cheating. However, over the last few years, the government and teachers have cracked down on the students and become stricter. In fact, in 2017 about 4,500 observers were placed in order to prevent students from cheating. It seems crazy and maybe even a bit overboard, but these exams are serious and should be taken seriously.

So, what about the Khmer students at Logos? Well, if you are Cambodian and plan to stay and attend university here in Cambodia, taking the exams is a must. If you are planning to go elsewhere for university then taking the exams is not necessary. However, if you are attending university elsewhere but plan to come back to Cambodia then you should take the Khmer exams. The Khmer exams are crucial and if you plan to attend university and work in Cambodia then the exams become a must. 

Here are some thoughts from students and teachers:

"Yes, I have taken the exam. I decided to take it because I plan to work in Cambodia and in order to work with the government or in the government you need a Khmer diploma."

"I took it already because my dad wants me to in case I come back and work for the government. For people who want to come back and work here it is more needed, it isn't exactly necessary."

"No, I'm not taking the exam because I don't need to."

"It is needed in order to work here in Cambodia and study university. So I think it is good to take it even if you were to go out of the country to study, but if you come back to Cambodia it is good to have it. It is also a good experience for the students. If they decide that they want to go to another country to help then I think it's fine if they don't take it."

Ultimately it comes down to what you choose and what you think is best. However, I would advise you to think carefully and take into consideration what you hope for the future and where you plan to be.

Have a fabulous week!

- Elise Sem