

As a student council that seeks to empower and represent the student body of Logos, we believe that it is crucial to take into account the suggestions, opinions, and concerns of students. In order to do this effectively, we conduct surveys every two months in order to gauge our progress, to see where we have improved, and to see where we can keep on improving. For more details regarding how we conduct these surveys, please click here.

We strongly believe that transparency plays an essential role in establishing trust in institutions that represent and make decisions that affect the people. One of the ways we achieve this is making the Logos Cup points available on the Logos Cup page so you can help us point out any discrepancies in the scoring, and see exactly where your points are coming from.

In order to further increase transparency, and thus accountability, we will also release a summary of and a response to the aforementioned student body surveys.

Here are the overall total averages, from grades 6 to 12*.

  1. Communication: 7.13
  2. Response speed: 6.5
  3. Seeks opinions: 7.24
  4. Satisfaction: 7.5
  5. Student store: 6.7

Firstly, thank you for all the support you have given to the student store. StuCo expenses are subsidized (that is, supported financially) by the profit made in the student store. The money goes towards planning better events and providing better perks for the student body (such as better prizes for games and free emergency pads in the girls' bathrooms). We'll take into consideration the concerns we received about high student store prices, however, and try to keep them as low as we can. In addition to that, we'll do our best to ensure that there is frozen juice on Monday, consistency in the availability of snacks, and a wider variety of options to choose from.

Secondly, thank you for your interest and enthusiasm in non-athletic extracurriculars this year! We're very excited to see so many new clubs form, and hope that you are as well. If you're interested in starting a club, Student Council will be more than happy to help you in any way we can. If you're interested in joining a club, here is a list of the current clubs and their leaders.

For the middle schoolers looking forward to a middle school lock-in: in all honesty, we are, too. Our middle school reps have been trying to bring about a lock-in ever since the beginning of the year. However, it remains on the table, as there are complications with Logos's child protection policy. Thank you so much for your understanding and patience!

Because Logos is such a small community, we're blessed with the ability to have more opportunities to get to know one another better. We brought back Logos Cup in response to complaints raised by the student body regarding the lack of inter-class events. We're pleased to see that many of you are enthusiastic about it, and we're so grateful for the hype you generate. The Student Council can only do so much when the community as a whole chooses to be uninvolved (in fact, if you can recall, apathy killed the last Logos Cup).

Speaking of involvement, the Student Council is also trying our best to involve the student body in actively serving the community by providing as many service hours opportunities as we can. We are also trying our best to serve the wider community outside of Logos. So far, we have done a paper drive; we will do a toy drive very soon and plan to work with more NGOs in the future as well.

We do our best to actively seek the opinions of the student body, but at the end of the day, we are a group of 12 trying to get the opinions from more than 100 students. If you have any concerns you would like us to address (or compliments, we love those!), please bring them to a StuCo member as soon as possible! We try to respond as fast as we can to emails and messages to our Facebook page. We also regularly check the suggestion box, in case you would like to leave an anonymous suggestion.

Believe us when we say that we're trying to fit in as many events as humanly possible in this school year. And as for a Christmas event? Be keeping an eye out for that ;)

*Although not all responses were received in time, there were enough total responses to render the missing ones statistically insignificant. The averages, however, may not be a fully accurate representation of the population as a whole, as there were outliers present in the data.

- The Logos Student Council