The battle of Film vs. Digital cameras


The use of film cameras instead of digital cameras has become extremely popular as of late. Their high resolution and notable aesthetic have caused them to become the universal language of social media. But are they really the best or are they simply used for the sake of the trend? I personally believe film cameras deserve all the popularity they are getting. They are not a thing of the past, as some people may say; rather, they are a precious gem in a rapidly paced world obsessed with flawlessness.

High Photo Quality

Despite the enhancement of digital photo technology over the past few years, it does not come close to the prime quality of film. Film cameras produce high-resolution photos that are perfect for any size print, even wall-size prints. Digital cameras are promoted for high-definition results, yet almost every digital photo seen on social media, advertisements, and billboards has been curated and heavily edited to embody a certain aesthetic and quality. Film cameras on the other hand eliminate the need for filters or any type of editing whatsoever. Their raw form possesses a quality that cannot be artificially replicated. In fact, many photographers spend a great deal of time and energy on editing their digital photos to resemble those taken on film. Though they may come close, they will never achieve the same effect.


This generation is constantly concerned with their appearance and how the world perceives them. The use of digital cameras only encourages this behavior. Though it may be nice to see a photo immediately after it is taken, it can quickly become a distraction, as people will critique aspects of each photo and negligently take hundreds more, just to pick out a single "perfect" shot. When people are only concerned with how they look in a picture, it takes away from memories being made. There is something magical about the simplicity of film; film photos are not viewable before they are developed, therefore there is no obsessing over ensuring that everything is "picture perfect". Each shot is intentional, allowing the photographer to live in and embrace the moment.


Film cameras are very affordable, and even the cheapest one can be trusted to produce high-quality photos. Digital cameras, on the other hand, are extremely expensive. In order to get one that matches the excellence of film, it could cost up to double the price. Since technology is continuously evolving, there are constantly new models of digital cameras being introduced into the market, therefore they lose value quite quickly. Contrarily, film cameras maintain their value over the years.

Easy Use

With their many complicated features and buttons, digital cameras set the precedent that to take photos of excellent quality, one must be experienced in using modern technology. This unnecessarily causes photography to seem intimidating and unapproachable; in fact, photos of equal caliber can be taken with the simple technology of film cameras. For those wanting variation with film, there are interchangeable lenses for different purposes, such as photography and cinematography, though the recognizable mechanism of film cameras remains unchanged, making them the easiest and most enjoyable to use.

The dilemma of deciding between film or digital cameras has become a recent hot topic. There are pros and cons to both options, but after evaluating the two, I have concluded that using film cameras is the better of the two. It has proven to provide an exceptional experience and produce phenomenal photos. Whether you are new to photography or you're a pro, film is the way to go!

- Poema T.