The Semicolon vision


"In honor of mental health awareness month, we have an instagram page for you to check out"

What does Semicolon vision discuss about and what are the goals and purpose ?

"The Semicolon Vision discusses issues pertaining to mental health and through openly talking about these issues, we hope to eliminate some of the stigma surrounding it, even among Gen-Z, which could arguably be considered the ''woke'' generation." 

How is this project going to help the ones struggling for mental health?

"As of right now, we have three posts up that discuss social issues in Cambodia and how they impact mental health. Once again, by raising awareness for these issues, that some people may not really think about in their daily lives, we hope to help people ''feel seen'' and validate their feelings. Furthermore, we try our best to keep our posts as simple as possible, as to make sure the information is accessible to most people and just easy to read in general. However, we are aware that because it is in English, we are unable to reach the local community and are working towards a way to combat that."

Any future goals?

"Our future goals are to work with a local mental health organization which will hopefully reach a larger, perhaps more local audience and also destigmatize therapy for the youth. Currently, we are also looking into how we can continue this project even after we graduate."

              What inspired you guys to start this project?

"We were very inspired by @thegrapevineispp! We loved their posts and the illustrations and also the topics they wrote about - we felt like they were issues that weren't frequently talked about enough and enjoyed reading about them. As teenagers, as I'm sure most people can relate with, our mental health can get rough sometimes, and we all know a friend who struggles at times. Drawing from our personal experiences and accounts like @soyouwanttotalkabout online, we felt like a page that talks about these issues in Cambodia would be very beneficial." 

Any additional information about student's mental health? 

 "According to the CDC, 1 in 5 students suffer from one kind of mental health issue (i.e ADHD, depression or anxiety) and these issues have been exacerbated due to the pandemic. School and other global or personal issues have always been a driving factor for these things. The news is filled with so much negativity and calamity that it's no surprise so many people are so depressed today. Life happens, and everyone reacts to it differently."

Click @thesemicolonvision to check out their page!!

Make sure you're taking care of yourself :)

`.  -  The Semicolon Vision, Dahee G. and Joy C.