

All of the food that I am rating was amazing, this is just my opinion on the order of it from least to greatest. 

Nasi Lemak (A dish originated from Malaysia) (Coconut rice, usually served with fried/roasted chicken and dried anchovies)

  • Found in most food court and Malaysian restaurants.

The coconut rice was the best thing about this dish, but the fried chicken and anchovies were dry and tasted really salty. This dish would be good if you had a drink to go along with it.

  • Rating 7.5/10

Charcoal Burger 

  • Found in many cafes, most popular at Mel's Diner, located inside Universal Studios

A good quick meal to finish after going to universal. The chicken was cooked well, and was nice and chewy, full of flavour. The fries going along with it was crispy like the chicken. The buns were soft and chewy, and quite fluffy. This is like any other burger, except it's nicer to look at.

  • Rating: 8/10

Dimsum (especially the Xia Jiao and Siu Mai/Shao Mai)

  • Can be found at any Yum cha restaurants, or Chinatown

The Xia Jiao and Shao Mai were flavourful, but the portion is small, and the cooking on all of them were not consistent.

  • Rating 8/10

Kaya toast

  1. Most popular restaurant is Ya Kun Kaya Toast. (Can also be found in Cambodia: N29, Oknha Chrun You Hak St. (294), Phnom Penh)

Taste good, but eating it alone won't keep you full.

  • Rating: 8/10 

Hainanese Chicken Rice/rice balls

  • Found in most food courts

The chicken was nice and soft, and had a lot of meat inside, the rice balls were nice and sticky, but the portion was small.

  • Rating: 9/10

Wanton Mee

  • Can be found at any food court, or vendor stalls.

The meat was cooked perfectly, with the mixture of soft and chewy, with a lot of flavour. The noodles were nice as well, but some parts felt a bit hard.

  • Rating 9/10

Dumpling soup

  • Can be found in any food court.

Everything was excellent, The noodles were nice and soft, but the dumplings were a bit too thick, and tasted a bit doughy.

  • Rating: 9/10

Ice Kacang (Originated in Malaysia)

  • Can be found in any dessert shop, old towns, and food courts.

Perfect after every meal, this ice cold dessert helps relieve you of the heat and keeps you cool. The amount of options to choose are unlimited! The sweetness of this dessert ends your meal after the savoriness.

  • Rating: 10/10 *Must Eat*

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Comment your thoughts! 

 - Tehsin Hsieh (10/22/18)