Skincare 101: Apply Sunscreen On Your Face Everyday


yes, even during quarantine. 

Especially with our lovely, blazing hot Cambodian weather, sunscreen is a must. In the skincare world, sunscreen is one of the most important steps. Yes, even during quarantineー when you're hibernating in your room all day.

Sunscreen, as we all may know, protects the skin from UV rays. Although being in the sun and getting vitamin D is important, the UV rays can do a lot of damage to your skin.

Let's start with what NOT wearing SPF does to your skin.

The most common result from lack of using sunscreen is sunburn. When you don't use SPF under the sun, the UV rays penetrate your skin, causing severe damage to the skin cells and DNA. It also causes uneven pigmentation, uneven skin texture, sun spots, etc. When the skin cell growth is bothered, it may also lead to skin cancer. Sun exposure also causes wrinkles; unless you want to age early, please use sunscreen. Sunscreen and moisturizers are the best anti-aging products. So if you have a moisturizer that also contains SPF in it, that's one less thing to apply.

But... I'm in my room all day;-;

Staying in your room all day isn't an excuse to not wear sunscreen. 


Because UV rays penetrate windows!!

Unless you're in a room with zero access to sunlight, you should still be wearing SPF. 

Sunscreen usage

Wearing sunscreen is important, but using it incorrectly defeats the whole purpose. 

Dermatologists recommend that you use a minimum of SPF 30 or higher(it should be listed on your sunscreen bottle). If you're out in the sun all day, you should reapply every two hours.

Too little sunscreen

It's also important that you apply enough sunscreen to your face. Using too little sunscreen can create streaks with lower SPF.

How much sunscreen should I use?

 To measure out how much sunscreen you need, squeeze out a stripe of sunscreen on both your middle and index finger. It should be able to cover your whole face AND neck. 

Make sure to slather them on gently until they're nice and blended into your skin.

** Don't forget to apply them on your eyelids as well; it's one of the most missed areas when applying sunscreen!!!**

Lips need protection too?

Lips are also affected by UV rays!!! Make sure you're applying lip balm with a minimum of SPF 15 to make sure those lips are moisturized and protected;).

Disclaimer: In no way am I claiming to be an expert in this field. This article is based on research and recommendations from doctors and dermatologists. Take it with a grain of salt:). - Halena C.