As we all know, Thanksgiving is an exclusively American holiday. The holiday celebrates the indigenous Americans' kindness towards the first English settlers; these indigenous peoples taught the settlers how to survive in America: teaching them how to fish, bathe, and dress. Although Thanksgiving as a holiday doesn't apply to Cambodia, we can still...

November 9th, 2023 marks the 70th year for Cambodia's Independence Day, commemorating the country's autonomy from France in 1953. For us, as we are already high-schoolers learning and living in Cambodia, this holiday carries great historical impact. Cambodia had been under French colonial rule for nearly 100 years before gaining independence....

Model United Nations, a club dedicated to modelling real-life diplomatic affairs, is one of Logos's most long-standing clubs, with this year's leaders being Jan, Byeongguk, and Paul. Every Friday, room 209 is always filled to the brim with passionate diplomatic students.

The ASAC Junior Basketball Tournament, a thrilling three-day event showcasing the talents of nine different teams competing for first place, was eagerly ‌anticipated by many excited middle schoolers! Fierce competition and intense matches were seen. The Logos Community hosted the tournament at NISC and worked tirelessly to ensure its success. The...

Anticipation hung in the air, cloying and heavy, as the audience waited with bated breaths, eyes eagerly pointed forward. On the screen, a countdown ticked, minute by minute, second by second.

Jump! Smash! Lightning badminton club has kicked off in the last few weeks. Tiredness, competitions, and excitement are some emotions the members will be experiencing during procedures on Thursday after school. These weekly practices will be overseen and coached by Mr. Sokun Kim, Mrs. Skogen, Ms. KD, and more. The club encourages students to engage...

In October of 2022, Logos attended ISPPMUN Conference with nearly forty delegates for a largely successful three-day event. While it was well and smoothly executed, nothing could calm the nerves within each Logos delegate, as most of them embarked on their first ever MUN conference. Apart from a select few experienced delegates, most people...

Camp is coming up and we hope you all are as excited as we are! Since the current seniors are the only class that was on the last 2020 high school camp, we know that some of you may be confused about what to expect during the week-long trip. Here's a little guide (what you should know) based on our...

In this fast-paced technological world, social media and digital technology have started to be a great part of everyone's daily life, almost seeming like a necessity for survival. Despite the entertainment we receive from following our favorite celebrity posts and seeing our friends out and about, these highlight reels portray an altered sense of...

The COVID-19 pandemic was hard on the entire world. We all struggled together through times of illness, pain, loss and extreme, incurable boredom. Most of all, we labored united against the demon of disappointment. Logos has many vibrant traditions that skidded to a heartbreaking halt once COVID began its rampage across the world. Carnival, talent...