

Today, we are going to talk about a top-secret military unit during World War 2 that only became known to the world in 1996 - about five decades after the war ended. They are known as The Ghost Army. Du Du Duuuuu!

The world of skincare is overwhelming and increasingly complicated, but the quest for good skin doesn't have to be. In the age of the 10-step K-beauty skincare routine and navigating through terms like serum, toner, essence - and what is eye cream, even? - paths have been forged, and certain ones have remained foolproof for both noobs and experts.



This year our school has been blessed by our amazing new principal, Mrs. Young. She has worked hard over her many years here at Logos, and that she is the principal we decided it would be a great idea to have a short interview with her!



Today we are going to talk about the Russo-Finnish War, also known as The Winter War.

We all know about Christianity and of course the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Like all famous families, though, there's always the lesser known one. The "Trey Smith." The "Kevin Jonas." And here, we have the CHINESE SON OF GOD.

As a student council that seeks to empower and represent the student body of Logos, we believe that it is crucial to take into account the suggestions, opinions, and concerns of students. In order to do this effectively, we conduct surveys every two months in order to gauge our progress, to see where we have improved, and to see...

For those of you who submitted a short story, thank you! It was very hard to pick one winner, as you all did a great job.
The winner, as announced in this week's middle school chapel, is Irene Ahn's Stars at Dusk.

All of the food that I am rating was amazing, this is just my opinion on the order of it from least to greatest.