"Who am I?" A perplexing question asked to a packed room of naïve teenagers. For five days, Logos high school students embarked on a trip that created stories for the future, team-building, and self-exploration. Shalom Valley exists as a non-profit camp dedicated to students for their relationship with Christ and their own identity. The camp values...

What is the death of two-dimensional (2D) Disney? The beloved 2D animated films of Disney are far gone. Audiences have discussed 2D animation after Disney's most recent film, Wish. Wish was an attempt by Disney to answer the pleas for a 2D Disney revival. However, Wish has blatantly failed to please the audiences with 48% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes...

Get ready to join the fun and dive into the excitement of Khmer New Year! Although it has been a steaming month for everyone in Cambodia, Cambodians have found ways to make the new year fun despite issues with the weather! Khmer New Year has existed for ages and carries a deep historical and religious meaning in Cambodian culture. It...

Apple, the tech giant renowned for pushing the boundaries of innovation, has once again stepped into the spotlight with its latest creation: the Apple Vision Pro. This cutting-edge piece of eyewear combines sleek design with advanced technology to offer users a unique visual experience like never before.

As I stepped off the plane from Cambodia to Singapore, I saw a girl in a Taylor Swift hoodie. Taylor Swift's impact on the global music scene is undeniable, and her Eras Tour was the highest-grossing tour of all time–the power of Swifties conquered "Elton John's years-long Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour for the top spot."

With the buzz around the latest royal wedding, Prince Abdul Mateen of Brunei, and his beautiful wife, Anisha Rosnah binti Adam, eyes worldwide are looking at the wealthy style of beauty that royals possess. The conversation of immense wealth, some might say excessive, belonging to royals sparked once more. Fashion has always been a way for people...

Embarking on the gym journey and putting yourself in a new situation can be intimidating and uncomfortable. When walking into a gym for the first time, feelings of being overwhelmed, insecure, self-conscious, and not having a clear plan or routine for their fitness journey will definitely arise. Here's the thing: no one actually cares what you're...

In the footwear industry, few brands have had such a transformation as Crocs did. What was once considered an unconventional footwear choice, especially for fashion purposes, is now a global fashion phenomenon due to its unique design and comfort. The rise of Crocs shoes is a testament to the power of innovation, comfort, and a strong brand...

Christmas Eve is a time when people around the world come together to celebrate the spirit of giving, love, kindness, and the Christian faith. At its core, Christmas Eve represents the peak of the festive season, a time of anticipation and preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, it is a cherished occasion that holds deep meaning...

Water Festival, known as "Bun Om Touk", is an exciting traditional holiday in Cambodia. Annually celebrated, it marks the reversal of the flow of the Tonle Sap River and the end of the rainy season. The festival takes place in mid to late November and lasts for around 3 days. It is a time of great joy and excitement for...