In movies and shows, high school is often glamorized as this fun and exciting experience. However, it's not always rainbows and sunshine. The pressure of growing up, excelling in academics, and maintaining a good social life can be pretty miserable.

Especially with our lovely, blazing hot Cambodian weather, sunscreen is a must. In the skincare world, sunscreen is one of the most important steps. Yes, even during quarantineー when you're hibernating in your room all day.

This year, the freshmans have been studying urbanization in Health class. Their unit question is: How does urbanization impact human health and what steps can be taken to counteract these negative concerns? As part of their project, they created websites, social media accounts, and donation platforms, in ways that they're able to spread awareness...

It's a worldwide tradition to set goals at the beginning of new years. Whether it's eating healthier, being more productive, or having a new mindset; it varies from person to person. Setting a goal for yourself is exciting, but what matters is the process of accomplishing that goal. Do new year's resolutions work, or is it just a scam?

It's unbelievable but Christmas is just a few hours away, which means presents should be chosen, wrapped, and under the tree by now (or hidden if you don't have a Christmas tree). Maybe you totally forgot about getting gifts or you're having a hard time deciding what to get. That's alright, we're here to recommend some last-minute gifts for the...

As much as we love December, this year has taken a turn. We had to finish off the semester through zoom, and now Christmas break is here. Sadly, Christmas won't be the same this year. Social distancing is a must, and we're sitting at home bored with nothing to do. But don't let that stress you over; Here are 10...

Ah, yes, who hasn't heard of it? This ooey chocolatey goodness packaged in a squat little jar and its little white cap is a common household name - and some say, a culinary icon. Featured in millions of recipes and Instagram posts, the humble simplicity of this chocolate hazelnut spread has morphed into something of a symbol of indulgent decadence....

The Khmer exams are very important in Cambodia and are a very crucial time for students. However, is it really that important for our Khmer students at Logos? Well, in a way, yes. You see the Khmer exams aren't just your regular old exams to see if you understand what you've learned throughout the years, they are exams that will...