This year's senior class is graduating in a little over a month. Before the class of 2019 leaves, though, we asked a few of them for things they wish they had known (before they aged 20 years from senioritis) and what they wish they had done differently.

The Second Sin


When we encounter an unexpected and unwanted situation in life and the responsibility falls on us, we have a tendency to point fingers and try to throw off the blame to someone else.

Many say that those who are older should be good examples for those younger than them. This statement goes well with many things in life. An older brother should set a good example for a younger brother such as a parent should set a fine example for their children. In many ways, the older person is seen as "superior" but...

Imagine walking into a huge stadium and feeling the rumbles of the footsteps of other concert goers. You see a wave of pink lights that flow into the seats and into the standing area. You hear the squeaky noises from the lightsticks and all you can feel is excitement. The excitement runs through your body and the adrenaline rushes...

What's better than a plain magician? A comedic magician! This past weekend there was a show put on by Charles the French, who is a successful youtube star with videos mainly portraying the struggle of being a university student. Charles recently graduated from university with a public relations degree, however he still is pursuing his comedy as a...


"The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions." - Proverbs 28:1



Feel free to play this as background music as you read.

As a student council, our main goal is to empower and represent the student body to the best of our ability. In order to gauge our progress, we conduct a bi-monthly school-wide census, as we believe that it is the most efficient method of data collection.